Prostration in Salah Will Make the Body Healthy

Prostration in Prayer Will Make the Body Healthy

Prostration is one of the obligatory pillars in prayer. In addition to the value of worship, it turns out that prostration has health benefits that will be obtained if it does it right.

The prayer movement is known to have many good benefits for the health of the body. Even when the last prostration is recommended to linger while praying.

"From Abu Hurairah Radhiyallahu anhu that Rasûlullâh صلر الله عليه وسلم said:

عَنْ أَبِى هُرَيْرَةَ رَضِيَ اللَّهُ عَنْهُ أَنَّ رَسُولَ اللَّهِ صَلَّى الله عَلَيهِ وَسَلَّمَ قَالَ: أَقْرَبُ مَا يَكُونُ الْعَبْدُ مِنْ رَبِّهِ وَهُوَ سَاجِدٌ فَأَكْثِرُوا الدُّعَاءَ رواه مسلم

"As close as a servant is to his Lord is when he is prostrating, so pray more." [ HR . Muslim, no. 482]"

Also read: God is Gentle and Loves Gentleness in all Things.

Prostration movements have great benefits for the health of the back muscles and also blood circulation. All the limbs work well together, from the toes to the forehead and also the palms. Perhaps this is also the reason the Apostle is always healthy and rarely sick.

However, as an ordinary human being who also wants to get the benefits of prostration for health, exercise can still be done. It is important to understand that the main purpose of prayer is to achieve the blessing of Allah.  

Allah has not commanded that which is of any benefit to man, likewise, god commands people to pray five times. The only evidence is that Allah will reward the health of the Muslims if they bow down properly.

And Allah is all-mighty, all-wise. A day we can perform 32 prostrations from the five-time salah. Not to mention if you diligently do sunnah prayer, can not imagine how many healthy benefits of prostration.

Benefits of Prostration for Health

Muslim scholar Dr Zakir Naik said that the best gymnastics for Muslims is prostration. Because when the prostration movement is carried out, there is a supply of blood flow to the brain. What's the impact? Namely, the work of the brain becomes more diluted because the supply makes the mind fresh.

Another thing that confirms the benefits of prostration for health is when the movement of kissing prayer mats makes the respiratory system more relieved. You can try it yourself and compare between the breath while prostrating and the breath when the position is normal, not prostrating.

When the flow of breath feels more relieved when bowing down, the logic automatically goes that the condition of the lungs becomes healthier. After prostration, we rise and focus the body on the calf. Body pressure on the calf is an amplifier to make the calf firmly support the body.

Health studies prove that calves are limbs that play an important role in supporting the lower limbs or legs. Prostration and the rise of prostration repeatedly in prayer train the strength of these muscles so that the body can stand stronger and automatically healthier.

The benefits of prostration for the health of the body can only be obtained if you do the prostration movements correctly. Starting from the position of the feet to the hands, back, and face must comply with the rules of good worship. Because, despite prostration many times, if the position is wrong then the benefits are also minimal.

Use the Correct Prostration Movements

There are many benefits of prostration for health, but that kindness can only be obtained if the prostration movement is correct. What is true prostration? The answer starts from any limb involved in prostration, including forehead, nose, both knees, both hands, and both legs.

We discussed two opinions regarding the correct prostration movement. The first opinion of prostration begins with the movement of the two knees first that touches the earth. After the movement of the knee is correct it is continued with the movement of both hands. The opinions expressed by Imam Hanafiyyah, Hanabilah, and Syafiiyah.

The second opinion states otherwise, the correct prostration movement is to put the movement of both hands first, then followed by both knees. The second opinion was expressed by Imam Ahmad and Malikiyyah. Depending on the reference you have in which sect.

Despite the differences in opinion regarding the prostration movement, all agree that prostration provides excellent benefits to health. Some positions that must be considered when prostrating are the location of the back, the location of the arms, the location of the abdomen, thighs, and up to the toes must be correct.

When all the prostration movements are right then the body will react automatically. People who pray must know very well the benefits of prostration for the health of the body, not only the soul, but also physically.

In the end, prostration and praying to Allah is not just for getting health, it's all just the good effects that we will get.  

The purpose of it all is because of our totality of servitude to God who created the sky and the earth and everything between them.

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